




Mixed Martial Arts contains a massive amount of styles and techniques. Every basic movement teaches the expert trainer in MMA 360 Academy. You can build muscular endurance in Martial Arts and level up your skills.

Best-boxing-coaching-in-Chennai- mma360degree


We provide the best boxing training with a stance and advantages. Experts will train each technique and method for beginners and experienced. We teach counter-punching with different body movements for easy attack and defence.



 Kickboxing is an extreme part of Martial Arts and gives the balancing footing of punches and kicking. Kickboxing encounters many fighters because it includes the edges of training competitive skills, self-defence, and massive fitness.


Muay Thai

Muay Thai is a diverse battle technique in Thailand. The Muay Thai or Thai Boxing classes will offer in MMA 360 for beginners to advanced trainees with proficient trainers. Fighting methods and training blends of techniques help to stand in the ring.



Wrestling is one of the ancient Greek historical Martial Arts worldwide. Wrestling is the base of Mixed Martial Arts. Fighting the wrestlers occurs as standing, clinching, and competing with the opponent. Learn the wrestling fundamentals and mastery classes in MMA 360 Degree.


Brazilian jiu-jitsu

BJJ is one of the Martial Arts and battle sports. It mainly focuses on the game and grappling techniques. We focus on training each student from fundamental to advanced techniques. Our training session will ensure BJJ’s skills and promote your health and physical fitness.



One of the best workouts for fitness and health is HIIT. MMA 360 provides exercise classes to maintain your body in perfect shape. We offer HIIT workouts to burn calories and fats. The exercise session will compete with your body fats.